Get Road Ready: Essential Auto Insurance Tips for Drivers in Deer Park, TX

Deer Park, TX motorists know that the city is home to several industrial facilities and chemical plants, where heavy truck traffic is common on local roads. That’s why local drivers protect their autos and stay safer on the roads by investing in comprehensive insurance that can safeguard their vehicles from various perils. 

Essential Auto Insurance Tips from Shell Insurance Agency

1. Ensure You Have Adequate Coverage 

One of the biggest mistakes local drivers make is not making sure they have enough auto insurance coverage to protect their interests in the event of an accident. Many local drivers opt for liability-only insurance policies to meet state minimums.

2. Beyond Liability

Liability insurance policies are an excellent financial safeguard for people who want to protect their personal finances from legal liability claims, medical bills claims, or property damage claims in an at-fault accident. Drivers seeking a more comprehensive solution can enhance their insurance coverage by adding comprehensive and collision coverage to their policies. 

Comprehensive and Collision insurance policies extend the limits of your auto insurance to include coverage for auto accidents, theft, vandalism, natural disasters, animal collisions, and more.

3. Explore Add On Coverage Options

Consider additional coverage options when your goal is a total insurance solution that shields you, your passengers, your vehicle, and your belongings from extensive financial loss. 

4. Contact a Trusted Insurance Agent Near You

Don’t wait until it’s too late to get adequate auto insurance coverage. A trusted insurance agent can guide you through the process of choosing the best auto insurance to meet your budgeting and lifestyle needs

Contact a knowledgeable and friendly insurance agent at Shell Insurance Agency to get a quote today! 

How to Add to Your Auto Insurance

While many blogs talk about the minimum required auto coverage in Texas, few blogs talk about increasing your coverage levels. This blog from Shell Insurance Agency explains how to improve the protection insurance provides and how much you can add to each type of coverage.  

Undergo an Auto Insurance Review 

Before you drive on the streets of Deer Park, TX, undergo an auto policy review with our insurance agents. While most people focus on finding the lowest cost premiums, it’s important to consider what happens if you need to use the insurance. That means considering how you would pay for an accident if you caused one and the cost of the typical accident. 

Cost of an Average Accident 

The average U.S. auto accident costs about $15,000 per individual. That means if you cause an accident that involves four cars besides your own, the total cost of liability in the accident would cost you $60,000. You would still need to repair your vehicle and pay your medical bills, so add $15,000 to it for your own costs. You cannot count on the accident to be “average,” so consider that you may need coverage above what the average costs could be.  

Avoid the Minimums

While you probably won’t need coverage that reaches the policy maximums, typically in the hundreds of thousands of dollars, choose a policy that provides you with more coverage than the minimum coverage required by the state. Texas minimum coverage only provides liability coverage, so it only pays for damage you cause to another person. 

Visit Shell Insurance Agency for a Quote!

Contact Shell Insurance Agency for an appointment for an auto insurance review. Don’t drive on the streets of Deer Park, TX, while underinsured. Let us help you build an automotive policy that adequately insures your vehicle and protects you with liability coverage.

Required Auto Insurance in Texas

All Texas vehicles are required to have auto insurance. It’s also the law that you must have proof of insurance with you and show it to police officers when they ask to see it. If you have an auto lender, they will also require that you have this coverage, and they usually require you to have more types of coverage than are required by law. The law requires a couple of types of liability coverage for every vehicle registered in the state. When you need auto insurance, don’t wait. Call us at Shell Insurance Agency in Deer Park, TX.

Liability Coverage

There are two types of required liability coverage, and it must be available in three different amounts. The first amount is bodily injury liability for a single person who is injured in an accident that is judged to be your fault. The second amount is for bodily injury liability for everyone injured in the accident. The third amount is for property damage liability. This pays for the damage to other people’s property, such as vehicles and buildings. All of these amounts are average for other states, but you may want to get more of this coverage than is required so that you can pay for expensive accidents. However, none of this liability coverage will pay for your own damages after an accident that was your fault. 

Other Auto Coverage

The state doesn’t require you to have collision or comprehensive coverage, but your auto lender probably will. Collision coverage is for paying for the damage to your own vehicle if you should cause an accident that damages it. Comprehensive insurance protects you against several different risks when you aren’t driving the vehicle. 

Get Your Auto Policy

Call us today at Shell Insurance Agency in Deer Park, TX when you need auto insurance.

Tips to improve your gas mileage

Are you looking for ways to save money on gas here in the Deer Park, TX area? Here are some easy tips from us at Shell Insurance Agency to help improve your gas mileage: 

1. Ensure your tires are correctly inflated – under-inflated tires cause you to use more fuel due to unnecessary drag. Check your tire pressure monthly and inflate when needed. 

2. Avoid heavy loads – try to keep the extra weight in your car to a minimum. The heavier the load, the less fuel efficient your vehicle will be. 

3. Use cruise control – this helps stabilize the speed of your car and reduce fuel consumption while driving on highways or other roads with minimal stops. 

4. Keep up with regular maintenance – regular oil changes, tune-ups, and other check-ups can help ensure your car is running as efficiently as possible, which can help improve your gas mileage. 

5. Drive sensibly – aggressive driving such as speeding, hard braking, and accelerating all impact fuel efficiency quickly negatively, so try to drive smoothly whenever possible for maximum savings on gas. 

6. Make sure your tires are properly inflated – not having enough air in them can strain the engine and cause it to use more fuel than necessary. Be sure to check your pressure regularly for maximum efficiency. 

For more gas and money-saving tips, call us at Shell Insurance Agency today. We are proud to serve the Deer Park, TX area and would be happy to help you find an auto policy that meets your needs and budget.

Auto Insurance Coverage Options

In Texas, people are expected and required to pay for any accident they cause while driving. Most motorists have auto liability insurance to help cover any expenses for damage to the other vehicle or injuries that anyone suffers due to an accident. Our agents at the Shell Insurance Agency in Deer Park, TX are touting the importance of auto insurance and explaining the different types of auto insurance coverage options.

Auto Insurance Coverage Options

Underinsured and Uninsured Motorist Coverage

One of the options that Texas motorists have to choose from when it comes to auto insurance is uninsured and underinsured insurance coverage. This is a great option to have in place if you happen to become involved in an accident with a driver who does not have insurance or does not have enough to cover everything.

Comprehensive and Collision Insurance Coverage

If you borrowed the money to purchase your vehicle, you are more likely required to have both comprehensive and collision insurance in addition to your liability auto insurance policy. This is because these two types of insurance will help protect your bank’s investment in your vehicle. These two types of coverage options will also help you protect the investment you made in your car. Comprehensive coverage helps you take care of any damage to your vehicle if it involves a natural disaster, vandalism, or fire. It will also help if someone steals your car, truck, or SUV. Collision insurance will help fix your vehicle if you collide with a stationary object or another vehicle when you are behind the wheel of your car.

Contact Us

You can turn to the experienced and trusted agents at the Shell Insurance Agency in Deer Park, TX for all your auto insurance needs. Call for a quote today to get your policy started!

Four Add-ons to Consider For Your Auto Insurance

Auto insurance can be such a life-saver when involved in an accident. It protects you and your vehicle when life serves you with lemons. While standard auto insurance works, sometimes it can fall short. For this reason, Shell Insurance Agency in Deer Park, TX advises clients to consider “add-ons” to boost their basic car insurance. But since there are several add-ons to consider, we have narrowed them down to four that are well worth your cash.

Umbrella Insurance

Are you a high-net-worth individual? Are you at a high risk of being sued? If yes, consider umbrella insurance. This policy takes over from where your conventional liability coverage leaves off. Your car liability coverage will likely max out if faced with a significant liability claim. In such instances, umbrella insurance takes over, preserving your assets and personal savings.

Roadside Assistance

Do you frequently travel long distances? Your auto insurance could use a roadside assistance add-on. This coverage saves the day when your car breaks down miles away from your residence. So, when you encounter a flat battery, puncture, or empty tank, you don’t have to make frantic calls to your friends and relatives. You need to call your insurer for help.

Zero depreciation cover

You should consider this coverage if you own a vehicle over three years old. If your car is stolen or written off after an accident, your insurer compensates you for the loss, less the depreciation factor. If you want to buy a vehicle similar to the one you have insured, you will have to fork out the difference from your pocket. However, you can cushion yourself from depreciation by purchasing “zero depreciation” coverage.

Engine protect coverage

Your standard auto insurance only covers engine damage when a covered peril destroys it; in case of an oil leak or water logging, you must purchase an add-on to cover the damage.

Would you like to learn more about car insurance? Please reach out to Shell Insurance Agency, serving Deer Park, TX, and its surrounding area.

Filing a Non-accident Auto Insurance Claim

When you need to file a claim on your auto insurance that does not involve an accident, call your agent at Shell Insurance Agency serving Deer Park, TX, first. We’ll guide you through the process, beginning with whether the policy you purchased covers the item you want to file a claim on.

If you purchased comprehensive or collision insurance, you pay a deductible. If your repairs cost less than the deductible, your insurance won’t pay for anything. If it costs more than the deductible, once you’ve paid the amount of the deductible for the repairs, your insurance kicks in if you file a claim.

What does collision insurance cover?

Typically, if you hit a deer or another animal and it damages your vehicle, your collision covers that. It takes care of repairs to your vehicle from single-vehicle accidents, just as it does in cases of multiple vehicle accidents. Other examples include hitting a mailbox, the closed garage door, a fence, etc.

What does comprehensive insurance cover?

If a named peril damages your vehicle, such as a flood or tornado, your comprehensive coverage handles the repair costs. It also covers theft, damage by another individual to your vehicle during acts of civil disobedience or disorder, vandalism, windshield or window damage, fire, and falling objects. This type of coverage also frequently includes a deductible requirement, so if your repairs cost less than the deductible, you won’t need to file a claim because your insurance would not pay anything.

Filing a Claim with Your Carrier

At Shell Insurance Agency, we write policies underwritten by 30 insurance companies. Each company offers its own online interface for filing a claim and phone number for verbally filing a claim.

  1. Visit our carriers page to find your insurance carrier.
  2. Phone the toll-free number listed for your carrier if you want to file a claim by phone.
  3. Click on the link provided for your carrier’s “File a Claim” website.
  4. Choose from individual or business insurance claims.
  5. Follow the prompts for the insurance company to provide all needed information. In most cases, you’ll need to upload photos of your vehicle’s damage and provide at least one quote from a licensed, certified repair technician on repair costs.

Contact Us

Contact Shell Insurance Agency serving Deer Park, TX as soon as your vehicle incurs damage. Let us help you make the most of your auto insurance coverage.

Who should get an auto insurance plan in Texas?

Owning a car is a good option for people all over the Deer Park, TX area. If you are going to buy a car when in this part of the state, you need to make sure that you are properly covered with insurance. There are a few situations when someone should get an auto insurance plan. 

Those that Want to Stay in Legal Compliance

A common situation when someone will want to have insurance for their car is when they want to stay in compliance with the law. Drivers in Texas need to have liability insurance. This will give you protection if you cause an accident that results in damages. If you aren’t covered, you can face penalization from the state. Further, those that have an auto loan in place are going to need to carry a full plan until they have paid off the loan. 

Those that Want to Protect their Car

You should also get auto insurance in this part of the state if you want to protect your car. If you choose to buy a car when you are here, it would be wise to ensure your investment is covered as well as possible. If you opt to get a full insurance plan, it will give you support to replace or repair your car if you incur certain forms of loss.

There are a lot of great reasons why someone should get auto insurance coverage in the Deer Park, TX area. If you are looking for a car or new insurance plan, you should speak with Shell Insurance Agency to discuss all of your insurance needs. If you work with Shell Insurance Agency, you can get all the support that you need to build a plan that will help you remain protected. 

Why basic auto insurance may not be right for you

If you are a driver in Texas, you have more than 300,000 miles of roads to choose from. That gives you lots of choices, pretty much like what you get from your independent insurance agents. Choices are always a good thing. At Shell Insurance Agency in Deer Park, TX, we are locally owned and we listen to our customers’ needs and work to customize the perfect coverage. 

Basic auto insurance is just that, basic insurance. It is the least amount you can legally get away with. In Texas, that is 30/60/25 which means $30,000 coverage for one person injured in an accident with the maximum for the entire accident of $60.000, An additional $25,000 is for property damage. 

Imagine that it is a very bad accident and involves an expensive car. The totals can go way beyond the basic amount. If it does go above what your insurance covers, you could be responsible for the additional amount. That could be life-changing. If you can’t manage that payment, upping the amount of liability insurance you carry is a good idea. 

Basic auto insurance isn’t right for you if you have a car loan or you lease a vehicle. You need to have insurance on the vehicle and that requires collision and comprehensive coverage. You may also want to have collision and comprehensive coverage if your car is more than a couple of thousand dollars in value and you use it every day to carry on with your normal activities. Not being able to repair or replace your vehicle isn’t an option for most people.

Basic auto insurance is right for some people, but it may not be right for you. Talk to your insurance agent about what is the best amount for you. 

Contact Shell Insurance Agency in Deer Park, TX for all your auto insurance needs.

Is it Time to Upgrade Your Auto Insurance Coverage?

For car owners, talking about upgrading their rides is a more inviting talk than a conversation about upgrading their auto insurance. Unfortunately, you can’t evade the car insurance talk, given that insurance is pivotal in cushioning you against accident-related costs. 

While you may have auto insurance, have you ever asked whether it’s enough for you? Purchasing the right amount of auto insurance ensures that you aren’t underinsured, as this can turn into a nightmare when catastrophe strikes. One way to ensure this is updating your auto insurance cover to reflect your current circumstances. Not sure if it’s time to upgrade your auto insurance? Keep scrolling as Shell Insurance Agency of Deer Park, TX provides a guide. 

Here are reasons that might necessitate you to upgrade your auto insurance coverage. 

  • Teen driver: If you let your teenage son or daughter to drive your car, you need to upgrade your auto insurance since a teen driver carries more risks. You need to bear in mind that factors like your teen’s gender, academic performance, and completing a driving course can affect your auto insurance.
  • Liability increase: Most motorists start car insurance with the state-required minimum insurance. However, they realize they need more liability coverage with time since the risk of being sued is high. Besides, severe accidents can lead to excessive medical costs that can ruin your finances if you have insufficient coverage.  
  • You have purchased a new car: If you have bought a new car with financing, you may transfer the existing auto insurance to the new car, but you have to upgrade the policy. This is because the lender may want you to include more coverage options to protect their financial interests.

Would you like to upgrade your auto insurance in Deer Park, TX, and its environs? You can do this as often as you want. Furthermore, if you are unsure whether your current auto insurance is adequate for you, please talk to Shell Insurance Agency for more information.