What to Expect from Flood Insurance

Extreme weather patterns over the years have resulted in countless flood events all across the country. Texas is no stranger to flood disasters. As home insurance doesn’t cover flood damage, we recommend Texas homeowners purchase flood coverage. Here’s what a flood insurance policy from Shell Insurance Agency in Deer Park, TX has to offer. 

Flood Events Covered by Flood Insurance 

Flood insurance protects both your home and personal belongings against major flood loss. Flood insurance covers water damage caused by rising lakes or rivers, storm surges, heavy downpours that cause flooding, dam overflows, mudflows and melting snow.

As many Texas homeowners have recently discovered, floods aren’t limited to flood zone areas. Even if you don’t live in a flood zone, you’re at risk of flood disasters. With flood insurance, you can be prepared for any eventuality. 

Protection Offered by Flood Policies

Flood policies offer two types of coverage: building and contents. You can purchase just building coverage, just contents coverage or both. Each has their own deductible, which is the part that you pay before coverage kicks in.

Building coverage protects your home’s structure. It covers flood damage to foundation walls, electrical and plumbing systems, wall-to-wall carpeting, staircases, furnaces, water heaters, cabinets, built-in appliances and detached garages. You can buy building coverage for up to $250,000.

Contents coverage protects your belongings. This includes clothes, furniture, electronics, major appliances, paintings, curtains, blinds and more. You can buy contents coverage for up to $100,000. Just so you’re aware, contents coverage is for the actual cash value of your goods at the time of loss – not current replacement costs.

Benefits of Flood Insurance Coverage

Flood insurance provides financial support to help you recover from flood disasters. To purchase flood coverage for your Deer Park, TX home, give Shell Insurance Agency a call.  

Does Home Insurance Cover Termite Infestations?

Having the right home insurance coverage and preventing damage associated with pests is crucial for protecting your home and property. If you’re interested in acquiring top-quality home insurance, the professionals at Shell Insurance Agency are ready to assist the residents in and around Deer Park, TX.

Termite Damage

Quality home insurance is one of the best ways to protect your home. However, most insurance policies won’t cover damage due to a termite infestation. This is because insurance providers view termite damage as a preventable issue. The best way to prevent termite damage is to have regularly scheduled inspections and treatment.

Knowledgeable Agents 

Our team of professional insurance agents is highly skilled and knowledgeable. They can carefully assess your situation based on facts and potential needs in your individual case. From there, the agent can recommend compatible insurance policy options that benefit homeowners. Once a policy is chosen, the agent can assist with filing paperwork and documentation to help get the insurance policy in place immediately. If, at any time during the policy’s life, you need assistance with changes to the policy or even filing a claim, we are here to help.

Reach Out to Us 

Choosing the right coverage and understanding the terms and conditions of your home insurance policy is a priority. Our insurance agents are ready to assist you with finding and understanding your home insurance policy. Shell Insurance Agency is committed to providing exceptional customer service and insurance products they can rely on. Residents living in and around the Deer Park, TX, area are encouraged to call or stop by the office to schedule a consultation with one of our agents. Get the quality insurance coverage you need for a complete layer of protection and peace of mind.

The Basics of Identity Theft Insurance

Identity theft occurs when someone gains access to your credit cards, account numbers, or computerized information intending to defraud. The Federal Trade Commission reported that identity theft affected more than 1.4 million Americans in 2021, so nearly anyone could be affected. Given the potential impact, feel free to contact the Shell Insurance Agency, serving Deer Park, TX, to determine whether identity theft insurance should be part of your insurance plan.

What’s Covered By Identity Theft Insurance?

Victims of identity theft may incur out-of-pocket expenses to fix the problem and spend substantial time doing so, and they may suffer direct financial losses. Identity theft policies range from basic to comprehensive, so the following list identifies how you could be affected by identity theft and the expenses and losses covered by different policies.

Out-of-pocket expenses may include:

  • Obtaining copies of your credit report
  • Notary, certified mail, and bank fees
  • Legal fees and court costs
  • Telephone costs

Due to the time required to repair your identity and reputation, some policies also cover the following:

  • Wages lost while resolving issues
  • Child care costs

More comprehensive policies may reimburse or cover the following:

  • Stolen funds
  • Credit monitoring
  • Identity restoration specialists who handle tasks so you can return to work.
  • Data restoration specialists (following a cyberattack)

Generally, those with more assets and whose time is most valuable need more comprehensive coverage, but everyone’s situation and needs differ. 

Working With Shell Insurance Agency

Many gain comfort knowing their families have identity theft protection. In a world where anything can happen, the Shell Insurance Agency team, serving Deer Park, TX, can help you gain that protection. So give us a call or stop in today.

Tips to improve your gas mileage

Are you looking for ways to save money on gas here in the Deer Park, TX area? Here are some easy tips from us at Shell Insurance Agency to help improve your gas mileage: 

1. Ensure your tires are correctly inflated – under-inflated tires cause you to use more fuel due to unnecessary drag. Check your tire pressure monthly and inflate when needed. 

2. Avoid heavy loads – try to keep the extra weight in your car to a minimum. The heavier the load, the less fuel efficient your vehicle will be. 

3. Use cruise control – this helps stabilize the speed of your car and reduce fuel consumption while driving on highways or other roads with minimal stops. 

4. Keep up with regular maintenance – regular oil changes, tune-ups, and other check-ups can help ensure your car is running as efficiently as possible, which can help improve your gas mileage. 

5. Drive sensibly – aggressive driving such as speeding, hard braking, and accelerating all impact fuel efficiency quickly negatively, so try to drive smoothly whenever possible for maximum savings on gas. 

6. Make sure your tires are properly inflated – not having enough air in them can strain the engine and cause it to use more fuel than necessary. Be sure to check your pressure regularly for maximum efficiency. 

For more gas and money-saving tips, call us at Shell Insurance Agency today. We are proud to serve the Deer Park, TX area and would be happy to help you find an auto policy that meets your needs and budget.

Do You Need Flood Insurance?

Keeping your home safe and protecting the investment you have made is crucial to your financial security. Flood damage can be a devastating event in the life of a homeowner. At Shell Insurance Agency, serving Deer Park, TX, and the surrounding areas, we are here to help you better understand flood insurance options. Keep reading to learn more. 

Is Flood Insurance Included In My Homeowner’s Policy?

Often, flood insurance is not included in a homeowner’s policy. This is because flood risks can be very different from place to place. This makes it difficult for underwriters to create insurance policies that are one size fits all kind of policy. Flood insurance policies often need to be customized to your particular needs and risk factors. 

What’s The Difference Between Natural Flooding and Interior Flooding?

Interior flooding refers to flooding within your home due to plumbing or appliance malfunctions. This type of flooding is often included in your homeowner’s policy. 

Naturally occurring flooding would be flooding that results from natural disasters or events that are taking place outside your home. You often need a flood insurance policy in addition to your homeowner’s policy to cover this type of damage. 

Do I Need Flood Insurance?

The answer to this question can vary from person to person. Some homes are located in areas with so little chance of flooding that they may not be needed. Other homes are located in very high-risk flood zones. The best way to determine whether you need this type of coverage is to talk with an insurance representative. 

To learn more about flood insurance, please get in touch with us at Shell Insurance Agency, serving Deer Park, TX, and the surrounding areas. 

Does Home Insurance Cover Mold?

Having adequate home insurance is essential for protecting you from losses associated with covered perils. There are many instances where your home could sustain damage and, as a result, develop mold. If you need quality home insurance, you can trust the professionals at Shell Insurance Agency, serving the residents around Deer Park, TX. 

Home Insurance Protection

Most home insurance policies protect the homeowner from incurring losses associated with mold due to a sudden accident or incident that wasn’t the homeowner’s fault. Before choosing a policy for your home, make sure you know the terms and conditions associated with mold coverage and similar points of interest. 

When you work with our team of experts, you can be assured that our agents will thoroughly explain any mold-related details or any other incidents needing clarification. We take the time to match our clients with suitable policy options to ensure they are completely protected. Not only do we help offer the right choices for insurance coverage, but we also assist with the submission of documents, policy changes, and any claim submissions. We are committed to offering our residents the best customer service out there. 

Reach Out Today

If you or someone you know is looking for top-quality home insurance, contact an agent at Shell Insurance Agency today. We proudly serve the residents in and around the Deer Park, TX, area. Find out how we can help provide a blanket of protection against risks such as mold and other related damage that threaten your home and health. We are ready to give you the support and answers you need for peace of mind. 

Do You Need Identity Theft Insurance?

Identity theft is a surprisingly common problem that Americans face, with a new theft occurring every 22 seconds. Identity thefts are expected to increase over time, with many expected to experience financial loss. You should consult an insurance agent for protection if you’re somebody with a high risk of identity theft. Identity theft insurance is one method of many in protecting yourself in this situation. At Shell Insurance Agency, we’re offering identity theft insurance to the people of Deer Park.

How Do I Know if I Need Identity Theft Insurance

Because the internet is now such a pervasive platform, many use it for banking purposes. Americans have a 1 in 6 chance of losing money to a scam. If you have some of your money stored in a digital storage space – like an online banking account or a payment processor – then identity theft insurance comes highly recommended. 

What to Expect From Identity Theft Insurance

There are various types of protection against identity theft, and insurance offers its own set of benefits. In an identity theft insurance plan, you can expect payment if your identity is stolen. It can also cover additional theft-related fees, like legal aid, application charges, or lost wages on the job. When shopping for this insurance, find policies matching your needs.

Finding Identity Theft Insurance from Deer Park, TX

Ready to purchase an insurance plan that covers situations like identity theft? If so, please contact our Deer Park agency at 713-527-2209. Our team would be happy to discuss insurance options with you. 

Auto Insurance Coverage Options

In Texas, people are expected and required to pay for any accident they cause while driving. Most motorists have auto liability insurance to help cover any expenses for damage to the other vehicle or injuries that anyone suffers due to an accident. Our agents at the Shell Insurance Agency in Deer Park, TX are touting the importance of auto insurance and explaining the different types of auto insurance coverage options.

Auto Insurance Coverage Options

Underinsured and Uninsured Motorist Coverage

One of the options that Texas motorists have to choose from when it comes to auto insurance is uninsured and underinsured insurance coverage. This is a great option to have in place if you happen to become involved in an accident with a driver who does not have insurance or does not have enough to cover everything.

Comprehensive and Collision Insurance Coverage

If you borrowed the money to purchase your vehicle, you are more likely required to have both comprehensive and collision insurance in addition to your liability auto insurance policy. This is because these two types of insurance will help protect your bank’s investment in your vehicle. These two types of coverage options will also help you protect the investment you made in your car. Comprehensive coverage helps you take care of any damage to your vehicle if it involves a natural disaster, vandalism, or fire. It will also help if someone steals your car, truck, or SUV. Collision insurance will help fix your vehicle if you collide with a stationary object or another vehicle when you are behind the wheel of your car.

Contact Us

You can turn to the experienced and trusted agents at the Shell Insurance Agency in Deer Park, TX for all your auto insurance needs. Call for a quote today to get your policy started!

Three Wise Ways to Flood-Proof Your Yard

Torrential rainfall, hurricanes, and floods can all cause significant damage to your Deer Park, TX landscape. From Shell Insurance Agency, here are three wise ways to flood-proof your yard and keep your property safe.

Identify Low Areas in Yard to Elevate or Fill In

1. Look for standing water: Areas, where water collects and stands after a rainstorm or sprinkler use, can indicate low spots in the yard.

2. Measure elevation changes: Use a laser level or another tool to measure elevation differences across your yard. Low spots will have a lower elevation than the surrounding area.

3. Look for drainage patterns: If you have a large yard, look for signs of water draining away from specific areas. This could indicate that those areas are lower than the rest of the yard.

Install Sloping Landscapes to Guide Water Away From House

Installing sloping landscapes around your home can help prevent flooding by guiding water away from the house and its foundation. Sloping landscapes are designed to direct surface runoff away from the house, preventing it from pooling around the foundation and causing water damage. They also help prevent water from entering the home in heavy rainfall or floods. By directing water away from the house, sloping landscapes help reduce the risk of flooding, property damage, and costly repairs.

Choose Plants That Can Withstand Flooding

Flood-tolerant plants can be an excellent asset for properties prone to flooding. They have deep roots that help stabilize the soil, preventing erosion and reducing the risk of landslides or mudslides. Additionally, these plants can provide a buffer against rising waters and help absorb excess moisture, thus lessening the impact of flooding on your property.

At Shell Insurance Agency in Deer Park, TX, we provide flood insurance to protect you and your property. With us, you can trust that you’ll be getting quality coverage and the peace of mind that comes with knowing you’re covered in case of a flood. Contact us today to discover more!

What every new homeowner should know about home insurance

Most new homeowners don’t have a lot of knowledge about home insurance. They count on their insurance agent to ensure they have the right coverage. At Shell Insurance Agency in Deer Park, TX, we get to know our customers so that we can offer you the right choice. 

You can choose the deductible amount that is right for you

Having a higher deductible can help make your home insurance more affordable. But, the amount you choose has to be reasonable for you to pay if you file a claim. The deductible is usually between $500 and $2000 but can go as high as $5,000. It is also important to know that the deductible is on every claim; it is not a yearly amount. 

Not everything is covered by home insurance.

Home insurance policies have exclusions, things that just aren’t covered. Some things not covered are:

  • Floods
  • Earth movement
  • Sewer backup
  • Wear and tear
  • Owner neglect 

Home riders you may want to add

Riders, also called endorsements, are additions to your policy that either expand the overage you already have or add excluded coverage. You should consider a jewelry rider if you have more than a small amount of jewelry. You need to provide an appraisal for valuable pieces. If you have antiques or expensive electronics, these also need an additional coverage rider. 

What type of coverage does home insurance provide?

Home insurance offers very important coverage for your home. Property insurance covers the basic structure and any attachments. Unattached garages, sheds, and casitas are also covered. The content of your home is covered. You have liability insurance coverage and loss of use protection which helps you have a place to stay if your home is damaged. 

Contact Shell Insurance Agency in Deer Park, TX if you have questions about home insurance.